"The contents of this Web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Finally, Access to the Internet

It’s been more than a month since I’ve been able to add to this blog. Our pre-service training is exhaustive but thorough. The Peace Corps wants to insure that we have all the tools we’ll need to be safe and successful in the two years we spend in our assignment. The training is outstanding. By the time we are sent out to be on our own, we will have basic language skills, knowledge of the culture and history of Macedonia, past and current political issues effecting the country, information regarding health and safety issues, familiarity with the transportation system, an understanding of the educational system, and the first hand experience of living in the country for three months with a host family.
The Peace Corps staff is exceptional. They are a cheerful and highly upbeat group. There’s never a problem that doesn’t have a solution or a personal issue that can’t be resolved expeditiously. The language and culture instructors are knowledgeable and vibrant and insure that you are learning at your own pace and they will provide personal tutoring upon request.
Anyway, since I am so far behind (in my own mind) in my postings and rather than leave a gap in the blog, I will post the e-mails, minus the juicy stuff, that I sent to my wife during the last five weeks. They contain many of the first impressions that I have had since I landed in Skopje. You can also check out the Picasa site on which, at which, upon which, or to which I will post photos of interest (POI’s) during the next two years.

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